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Guides Gone Wild Podcast
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Getting Dirty for a Decade
Heidi Myers, Rasputitsa
It’s always great to see returning faces that are there to support you. And we support them in return.
Less Existential Crisis, More Climate Crisis
Torey Lee Brooks
Don’t get the impression I’m a good nordic skier, I’m just good at long, arduous stubbornness!
Forget Pedal to the Metal, Put Your Mettle to the Paddle
Karrie Thomas, Northern Forest Canoe Trail
It was really never intended to be a ‘thru-paddle’… the founders imagined a series of destinations that would allow people to discover the northeast over time.
Calendula, Chamois Cream, and Cancer Candor
Susan Shasok, Caroline’s Dream
The choices that you have to make…. none of them are good. None of them are good. And yet, you still have to make those choices.
Live a 'No Drop' Life
Cail Casserly, Brewer, Rider and Poet
If we’re out there enjoying a thing, I try to be conscious of, who am I not seeing? If this was hard for me, who’s it harder for? And I hope that that thought continues to foster other things, in terms of my activism, my work and my passions.
Pack a Pencil and Have a 'Plan B' (and Other Smart Travel Strategies)
Tiff Soukup, VagabondWay
If we had ever let the fear of what could happen stop us, then we would have missed out on a lot of things.
Where There's a Will, There's a (Vagabond) Way
Tiffany Soukup, Vagabond Way
I went to work at 10, got out at 6, came home, packed a suitcase. And a 8 o’clock that night, we started driving west…I lived on the floor next to a washer and dryer all summer and it was the best time of my life.
Lean Into Your Life (AND the Downhill)
Chrystsonthy Drellos, Blue Sky MTB
If I had $1 for every time I wanted to throw my bike into the woods and stomp off, I’d be a millionaire.
Just Show Up (Rocking That Hardtail with the Pull Brakes)
Vertical Weekend Recap with Trish and Jen
I realized it was just what I needed.
Emphasize Organic Fun (and Don't Worry About the 'Game Plan')
Sabra Davison, Little Bellas
There are plenty of people with ideas. But it’s how that idea is fostered, and how what community you build is a defining part of your later success.
Learn How to Read the Map (and Maybe Leave the Pearls at Home)
Laura Beebe, Sterling College
We’re all at our own stages of development, and have areas that we really excel in, and areas that we need to work on.
Embrace the Suck and Make Some Magic Happen
Heidi Myers, Rasputitsa
I tell people that haven’t finished, it’s really okay -the beer is the exact same beer for the finishers as it is for the non-finishers.